Take a visual tour of the Top 6 most powerful features in Astroport’s new price and LP charts

August 12, 2022
Astro News
Take a visual tour of the Top 6 most powerful features in Astroport’s new price and LP charts

Information = power. 

And Astroport’s new charts aim to share as much information with traders and LPs as possible. After a recent upgrade, charts were deployed on two pages:

1) The swap page: https://app.astroport.fi/swap 

2) The pools page: https://app.astroport.fi/pools 

You can access the charts on those pages by clicking the chart icon at any time 👇

Here are 6 of the most powerful charts and features on Astroport:

✦ No. 1: See how the APR has fluctuated over time for any pool on Astroport 👇

✦ No. 2: Check out the growth (or decline) in liquidity for any pool 👇

✦ No. 3: View trading volume trends for individual pools 👇

✦ No. 4: Unsure if you’re beating impermanent loss in a pool? There’s a chart for that 👇

✦ No. 5: On the price charts, toggle between linear and logarithmic views for any token 👇

✦ No. 6: Click “edit” and select two tokens to compare their prices over time. $axlUSDC vs $axlUSDT 👇

Ready to explore the charts? 

Visit https://app.astroport.fi/swap and https://app.astroport.fi/pools now.

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Remember, Terra 2.0 and Astroport are experimental technologies. This article does not constitute investment advice and is subject to and limited by the Astroport disclaimers, which you should review before interacting with the protocol.

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